A dark and violent crime thriller, set against the backdrop of 1940’s Los Angeles and utilizing revolutionary new facial animation technology, L.A. Noire blends the breathtaking action of chases and shootouts with true detective work including interrogations and clue-finding, as newly-minted officer Cole Phelps embarks on a desperate search for truth in a city where everyone has something to hide.
Includes Access to All L.A. Noire Add-On Content:
5 Additional Cases ranging from Traffic to Arson
The Badge Pursuit Challenge – Find and collect badges to unlock the Button Man Detective Suit
The Broderick Detective Suit – Boosts your fist fighting capabilities and resilience to damage
The Sharpshooter Detective Suit – Sharpens your aim with rifles and pistols
The Chicago Piano – A powerful machine gun stored in the trunk of your car
STEP 1: Click Like Button Below Then Click Confirm
STEP 2: Click Your Download Button Below
1. Download archive with the Crack and torrent file of the game
2. Download full game (If you already have this game then just use the crack)
3. Burn or mount image in Daemon Tools or in Alcohol 120%
4. Install the game.
5. So before using the crack, copy "Patch_2382_02393_1.exe" patch from the Crack folder ( This folder located in the archive that you have downloaded ) to the game directory and install this patch by clicking on it.
6. Only after that copy everything from the Crack folder ( "fmodex.dll" and "lanc.dll" files) to the game installation folder and replace!
7. To save the game you need to create the local profile from Social Club in-game. or you can use of this profile: username - gamefirst1, password - 123456A
Uploader Notes:
The game and patch may not run when installed to path containing spaces, so remove from the name of the game folder spaces if you have them!