This CastleVille Hack Cheat Bot Tool (FACEBOOK) ;
* Works on Coins,Crowns,Reputation,UNLIMITED Energy,Castle and XP
* Works PERFECT Globally-No matter where you stay-US,UK,CA-ANYWHERE
* Undetectable. You WILL NOT get banned for using this (100% guarantee)
* Works on ALL internet browsers (Firefox.Chrome,Safari,Opera…etc)
* Tested on daily basis to ensure it’s functionality.
*If the hack is patched, UPDATE will be done within 12 hours. (100% Satisfaction)
*Easy to use. Simply click hack and you are done.
*The MOST stable hack ever created on net – Run as many times as you wish without a single error.
*The ONLY WORKING and LEGIT CastleVille Hack on the net. (100% Satisfaction).
*Rated Number 1# hack in terms of speed and efficiency (100% guarantee)
*24/7 ONLINE server – you will not get any error connecting to our database while using this hack (100% guarantee)
CastleVille Hack Cheat Bot Tool – SEE IT IN ACTION!
CastleVille Hack Cheat Bot Tool REAL PROOF
1. You MUST log into Facebook and start the game CastleVille.
2. Run the Hack.
3. Click ‘Connect To CastleVille Database’ button.
3. Select the amount of Coins, Crowns, Reputations, Castle and XP you wish to hack. You may click the ‘Unlimited Energy’ Button in this process too.
4. Click Start Hacking.
5. In a few minutes, the packet will be recorded by the server and you will see changes to Coins, Crowns, Reputations, Castle and XP and UNLIMITED Energy if you choose it
6. That’s it! Enjoy the GODLIKE status of your CastleVille =)
CastleVille Hack Cheat Tool – Tested Working on;
a) Coins *HOT*
b) Crowns *SMOKING HOT*
c) Reputations
d) Energy *UNLIMITED*
e) XP *Add as many XP as you wish!*
f) Castle
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STEP 2: Click Your Download Button Below